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Minggu, 22 Maret 2009

Report: Michael Beasley makes sweet love to practice rims

By J.E. Skeets

Last year around this time — in fact, almost to the day — then-college freshman Michael Beasley was busy posting 23 points and 11 rebounds in the only upset on opening day of the NCAA Tournament — a No. 11 Kansas State win over O.J. Mayo's No. 6 Southern California. I'm pretty sure Pat Riley was in attendance.

This year? This year, rookie Miami Heat forward Michael Beasley is reportedly "getting his Dwight Howard on."

Sarah Rothschild (and/or Michael Wallace) of the Miami Herald's "On The Beat" Heat blog have the story, unfortunately sans photos or video:

While A-Rod is making headlines for a magazine photo that caught him standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror appearing to kiss the image of himself, Beasley found another target: The rim.

Yes, the rim.

Showing off the athleticism many skeptics questioned he had, Beasley went berserk Thursday, throwing down monster dunks after practice for no reason in particular. At one point, Beasley jumped, switched the ball from his left to his right hand between his legs, and flushed it as his teammates looked on.

Then, he got the idea that he needed to really show his hops. So he started going around to all of the courts, attempting several times to jump into the air and kiss the rim — proving that he could get his head at rim level. Freakish athletic stuff, right? Add to Cart View detail

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Biography Valentino Rossi

Valentino Rossi (born February 16, 1979 in Urbino) is an Italian professional motorcycle racer and multiple MotoGP World Champion. He is one of the most successful motorcycle racers of all time, with 8 Grand Prix World Championships to his name. According to Sports Illustrated, Valentino Rossi is one of the highest earning sports personalities in the world, having earned an estimated $34 million in 2007.

Following his father, Graziano Rossi, Rossi started racing in Grand Prix in 1996 for Aprilia in the 125cc category and won his first World Championship the following year. From there, he moved up to the 250 cc category, again with Aprilia, and won the World Championship in 1999. He won the 500 cc World Championship with Honda in 2001, the MotoGP World Championships (also with Honda) in 2002 and 2003, and continued his streak of back-to-back championships by winning the 2004 and 2005 titles after leaving Honda to join Yamaha, before regaining the title in 2008.

Valentino Rossi was born in Tavullia, Urbino. Son of Graziano Rossi, a former motorcycle racer, he first began riding at a very young age.

Rossi's first racing love was go-karts. Fuelled by his mother, Stefania's, concern for her son's safety, Graziano purchased a go-kart as substitute for the bike. However, the Rossi family trait of perpetually wanting to go faster prompted a redesign; Graziano replaced the 60cc motor with a 100cc national kart motor for his then 5-year-old son.

Graziano attempted to forge documents in an attempt to get Valentino's junior kart licence one year before he was legally allowed (he was nine at the time), but ultimately failed.

Rossi won the regional kart championship in 1990.[5] After this, he took up minimoto and before the end of 1991, he had won numerous regional races.

Although minimoto was for fun[citation needed], Rossi continued to race karts and finished fifth at the national kart championships in Parma. Both Valentino and Graziano had started looking at moving into the Italian 100cc series as well as the corresponding European series, which most likely would have pushed him into the direction of Formula 1. However, the high cost of racing karts led to the decision to race minimoto exclusively[citation needed]. Through 1992 and 1993, Valentino continued to learn the ins and outs of minimoto racing.

Rossi soon started to outgrow minimoto; a proper motorcycle was required. In 1993, Rossi acquired a Cagiva Mito 125 cc motorcycle, which was damaged in a first-corner crash no more than a hundred meters out from pit lane[citation needed]. He finished ninth that race weekend.

Although his first season in the Italian Sport Production Championship was varied, he achieved a pole position in the season's final race at Misano, where he would ultimately finish on the podium. By the second year, Rossi had been provided with a factory Mito by Cagiva team manager Claudio Lusuardi and he managed to win the Italian title.

In Rossi's youth one of his heroes was the late former WRC Champion Colin McRae. Rally legend McRae taught Rossi the basics of driving a rally car and the two competed against each other at Monza in 2005, with McRae driving a Skoda Fabia WRC and Rossi a Subaru Impreza WRC, with Rossi winning. Add to Cart View detail

Minggu, 01 Maret 2009


Sport in childhood. Association football, shown above, is a team sport which also provides social interaction.

Show Jumping, an equestrian sport.

Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determinant of the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports (a common name for some card games and board games with little to no element of chance) and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors. Sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. Some view sports as differing from games based on the fact that there are usually higher levels of organization and profit (not always monetary) involved in sports. Accurate records are kept and updated for most sports at the highest levels, while failures and accomplishments are widely announced in sport news.

The term sports is sometimes extended to encompass all competitive activities in which offense and defense are played, regardless of the level of physical activity. Both games of skill and motor sport exhibit many of the characteristics of physical sports, such as skill, sportsmanship, and at the highest levels, even professional sponsorship associated with physical sports.

Sports that are subjectively judged are distinct from other judged activities such as beauty pageants and bodybuilding shows, because in the former the activity performed is the primary focus of evaluation, rather than the physical attributes of the contestant as in the latter (although "presentation" or "presence" may also be judged in both activities).

Sports are most often played just for fun or for the simple fact that people need exercise to stay in good physical condition.

Although they do not always succeed, sports participants are expected to display good sportsmanship, standards of conduct such as being respectful of opponents and officials, and congratulating the winner when losing. Add to Cart View detail

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